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LEO Computers Society
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LEO Memorial
Dominic Lawson, brother of Nigella Lawson, and grandson of Felix Salmon, himself a distinguished journalist, attended the unveiling of the LEO memorial plinth at Lyons Walk, Hammersmith on 29th November 2016, was really impressed by the whole activity. He has drafted a very nice column for Sundays Sunday Times about the event and LEO.
A video has been added here.
LEO announcements
Posted 21st March 2017
The Computer Conservation Society's May lecture will be given by Neville Lyons - see below. This is normally for CCS members but on this occasion they wish to extend the invitation to LEO Society members. The lecture will be held in the BCS London HQ and there is limited space so if you wish to attend I suggest you book, it is free, as soon as possible.
The CCS Lecture on 18th May will be given by Neville Lyons and, for once, has little to do with computers, but is a general history of the Lyons company. As such it will tell us how the company was built up from a small Victorian operation to a well-regarded and highly successful business of the mid 20th century which not only found it necessary to invest in the very earliest commercial computer operation but was in a financial position so to do.
This lecture is fascinating in its own right quite apart from its connection with computer history. Neville Lyons is an engaging and articulate speaker whose interest stems from his family connection with the company.
As summary of the talk may be found at Booking (via the ���book��� link) is strongly advised.
Posted 15th March 2017
Dear Members & Friends,
We have just become aware that last Friday there was a programme on BBC Radio 4 about LEO computers. The 15 minute broadcast is still available to listening on a podcast at:
Kind regards
Peter Byford
Posted 21st October 2016
This has been extracted from an email from the Leo Computer Society
Subject: LSE Podcast
Dear Members & Friends
The Committee wishes to inform you of an event relevant to both the LEO Computers Society and to IS History.
Last Friday (14th October) Eric Schmidt, Executive Chair of Alphabet, parent of GOOGLE came to the LSE at the invitation of the Department of Management and the LEO Computers Society to engage in an hour long conversation with Professor Chrisanthi Avgerou and the audience.
The event filled LSE’s largest auditorium and is now Podcast on:
The title of Eric’s presentation was “From LEO to DeepMind: Britain's computing pioneers”
We have no doubt you will find this Podcast of particular interest.
Kind regards
LEO Computers Society
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